Part 55: Episode XLIII: I Am Questing on the Side
Music: Final Push
Alright, folks. This is the final chapter of this game. Indeed, thats the final boss chamber straight ahead... Lets go take a look, eh?
They are nice enough to directly state that yeah. Point of no return is right here. Be absolutely sure youre ready to set aside an hour to finish the game, ya? And as much as Id like to soldier forth and close out this LP... No, not yet.
We need to be in peak condition to take on the final boss. Which... is kind of a lie. We absolutely could take it right now at the Mid-40s levels. But, were going to be returning to the world map and go on a journey anyway.
And it just so happens that before dying, Eutess was nice enough to leave a portal linking the very beginning of the Last Lands and her chamber for just such an occasion. Or the party flaking out and ending the world. You know, for funsies. Dont worry... Its fine! The Dark Samsara will patiently wait for eternity for us to begin the final battle just like Sin, the Time Devourer or Deus did.
I Am Setsuna makes no attempt to mention this, but now that weve gained a fully party and have unlocked the final boss chamber, sidequests have opened up back in the main world. One for each character! They range in length from around an hour or so to... like 20 minutes.
Music: Tender Glow
Before we embark on a journey of character specific development, lets head back to Nive Village for some housekeeping. Also, the first sidequest might be triggered on this island.
We got an awful lot of materials running through two of the longest dungeons in the game back-to-back. To make no mention of the new party member. And the final break point in the narrative may have also updated the weapon store vendors inventory for the last time.
We have over 450k G to work with selling off the myriad of drops created from sending every trash mob the party came across to the shadow realm during the Last Lands visit. This also resulted in a decent chunk of new Spritnite that Ill likely never touch.
Endir continues his self-sufficient streak with a Tech that is just Haste in all but name. Which is real good, since we might need that sometime in the near future.
Setsuna has fully completed her designated white mage job position by gaining an ability that wipes away all status ailments. With the added effect of giving immunity for a couple rounds. Could have probably used that during the Time Judges shenanigans, Setsuna...
Aeterna, Julienne, and Kir all get... absolutely nothing! But Nidr walks away with a cheap spell that basically turns curative items into the next level version (i.e. a Potion becomes a Hi-Potion.) That could come in handy... earlier in the game when consumable items were expensive and I couldnt walk up and buy 99 of all the top shelf items with our near half a million in funding.
Most of the new Spritnite are all for Dingus, who forgot most all of his abilities after dying and has to start from scratch. They are at the very least kind enough to give playable Reaper tuned to the same level as the highest party members level. (Which would be Endir at Level 44.)
Most of the mid-boss formally known as Reapers Techs are just... the same exact shit he used when we fought him. Like the next one is one of the few unique spells...
Dingus is, of course, the designated Shadow Magic user. Of course he is. So he needs the Shadow elemental spell. Ive never used or felt the need to use an elemental buffing magic spell in the entirety of this game.
And if they werent spells he personally used, theyre ones Dingus is borrowing off other enemies in the game.
I mean, Pandemic is just a Shadow magic themed Bad Breath and Black Hole is Demi with a flashier animation. And Dark Matter is just Demi 2 without sucking enemies towards it. Youre not fooling anyone, Not-Magus. Im onto your copyright infringement racket.
Before we finish with Spritnite mechanics talk youre probably just skimming over like a jerk, its also worth mentioning that some choice Support Spritnite unlock at the Magic Consortium in the end game. Particularly, Megalith and Enigma which restore HP and MP respectively with every attack. Good stuff when trying to build a self-sufficient party member who operates only on violence.
The final battle has also unlocked the last vendor update at Weppy & Talis shop. Turns out Weppy took a deep dive into the scythe market while we were raiding the Last Lands. Since they couldnt very well have weapon pick-ups for Dingus prior to having him in the party... and then they added him to the party literally before the final boss... the solution to giving a playable Reaper weapon upgrades was to just dump them all in the weapon merchant all at once. Ill buy a single scythe now and another after future updates.
For now, lets see everyones final store purchases of the game.
And were going to start with perhaps the best one. I love this. Its great! Strong third place of weapon design behind the Walrus Dagger and Nidrs tree trunk. Just gonna go ahead and destroy any seriousness in scenes towards the end by having Setsuna wear this dumbass thing at all times.
Aeternas final weapon is just a kitchen knife. I mean... it IS a weapon. You can gank a guy with a standard kitchen knife. I threw one into someones face in Hitman just hours before writing this update. A good time was had by all... Well, except for the waiter who took a kitchen knife to the eye...
Alright. What the fuck?! Thats it... That is IT, I am Setsuna! Im calling the JRPG police! Thats literally just Clouds Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII. The Chrono Trigger references were one thing. Fine, whatever... Luccas Rod was a bit much, but Ive gotten over it. But now you come and bring Tetsuya Nomura into my house? No... NO! Im not having it! Ill see you in JRPG Court...
For once, this actually looks like some kind of proper mages staff and not something that should be wielded by a first year high schooler girl fighting a monster of the week. It also ignores all elemental resistances, which aint bad... usually... except its Kir, who only does pyromancy sooooooo...
This is just the Stout Sheeps horn with a handle crudely fastened to the end of it, making it one of the more metal weapons in the game. At least, Ill take it over the Masamune duct-taped to a gaudy pole.
Finally, I take back what I said about most scythes being pretty cool looking. This looks like shit. What, Dingus? Did you get this at Zasalamel from Soul Caliburs garage sale? Sheesh. And you expect me to drop like 30k more buying the rest of these? Man... I dunno...
Music: The Scent of the Sea
Regardless, thats the conclusion of housekeeping. Lets begin a sidequest! Were given no indication of where anyones sidequest triggers. You... just kind of have to look it up and have that particular character in the active party.
I put the order of which we do these side quests to a vote in the thread and our main character, Endir, came out on in the lead. So well start with his questline. This one begins by talking to the Nasal-Voiced Worker wandering around at Nive Harbor.
Kir grabs the letter like a fucker.
And so we gain the Nameless Spritnite. I mean, when you think about it, no Spritnite really has real a name, man... Literally. You can rename them all at will. No swearing though! Have some manners.
Right, then. The first half of Endirs sidequest involves returning to some altars wed seen early. Remember the ones that looked an AWFUL lot like thered be a boss fight arena and nothing came of it?
Music: A Poignant Reminder
The first one takes us back to Serendale where we met Nidr and Reaper for the first time. Its actually just opposite of where the first fight with Reaper took place (which is now inhabited by Spritnite-Eaten nuclear bomb seals.)
Walking up to the altar will automatically trigger a scene with Endir where a sparkle descends from the heavens and... speaks?
Well, then. If you say so sky sparkle. I feel like Endir would reject the Human Instrumentality Project.
Thats one down, two to go...
Music: The Secret Passage
Morbrise Mountain was the snow path where we needed Kir to allow No-Clip to activate and proceed. The only noteworthy event was Endirs employer showing up to ask what the flying fuck he was doing traveling with Setsuna and not murdering her. I dont think it even had a proper boss.
Alright, then. That cleared everything up...
Alright. Thats two down. One to go!
Music: The Clouds Above
Our final destination for this leg of the quest is back to Hymncott Forest. Better known as the location the tutorial took place and we met Endir at the very beginning of the game.
Unlike the opening tutorial, Hymncott Forest is now home to King Pengy. Three of em, in fact. Two of which are mandatory battles. King Pengy is just straight up that boss fight from the ice drifts roadblock where Julienne ended up joining to guide us. Each of these jerks has over 5000 HP and a ton of defense, taking a good five minutes to beat each even just slamming it with our heaviest hitting attacks. Its kind of annoying and really boring, since its not a remotely a threat. Their heaviest damaging attack does like... 150 HP of damage. Maybe 200 tops.
I made a big dumb mistake of saving the game and quitting here when recording footage for this update. Have I ever mentioned that reloading in I Am Setsuna results in the respawning of all enemies in an area? Its true! You know what is counted as a respawning common enemy, despite the fact it plays boss battle music and you cannot escape from the battle? King Pengy. Guess who ended up fighting four of these lousy drawn out (for this game) slogs of a mini-boss for barely tangible EXP gain or worthwhile drops? This guy!
Anyway, the final altar for this sidequest is back where Endir fought Jaboo the Manbear to save a kidnapped girl in the job he took before taking the later to be botched by time shenanigans Setsuna hit.
Birth, life, and death... Gotcha. I think I got the theme, magic stone.
Tune in next time when we find who is behind the mysterious letters to Endir. We may even resolve a loose plot thread from early in the game that never got resolved and youve probably forgotten all about by now!
In a related news story, on Monday, January 2nd it will be 10 years since I started my first LP (granted it was 2 minutes before midnight, still...) I'll probably be streaming 4 Resident Evil then and talking about dumb early LP stuff, if that's your kinda thing. I'll update exactly what time I'll start later.
Fucking ten years... Ugh! How has it been that long?!